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I loved this entry. Do you mind if I show the gameplay on the intro of a video? I just want to showcase a lot of the jams games

Go ahead (and feel free to share the link!)

thanks! I will do once i uploaded the video


Lol WTF (in a good way)


This is incredible, thank you!


This is funny as hell, great job. Love the aesthetic, having space be the thumb bugged me a bit.


haha , good game ... had fun




Best five minutes of my life. The voice lines are so good. Hearing OMG its Mr. Mano really made me go omg....its mr mano. When I got an Ok high five I was dissapointed in myself for letting down mr mano. The controls being ASDFSpace is also a really nice game design touch. Mr. Mano forever

Mr.MANO appreciates your kind words <3